
One of the most arguable and unrealistic topic among the singles is if they can have a relationship without sex. A lot of people assumes that without romance or sex in place, they would build a boring relationship hence a little spice-up is needed.
A reader has once asked this question on sex and relationships Do I allow him have sex or not?

Well, that may sound easily right but here are some opinions by professionals in their various field. The diary of a sexual addict

I engaged some awesome minds on this topic to get their sincere view on “Can A Relationship Last Without Sex?”.

Read their view thus:
 I strongly believe that sex is sacred. When you consummate with an individual, you are creating a ‘spiritual bond’ with him. Remember, your body is likened to the temple of God, and it deserves every iota of respect. When you have sex with your current boyfriend/girlfriend, who you cannot ascertain a future with, you are only telling him that you are a cheap commodity and he will treat you as such.  If a man is not ready to go by the scriptures and wait till marriage, he does not worth you. Do not let your emotions ruin you. Sex is sacred, and is meant to be enjoyed when you walk down the aisle. Keep your body for that special someone. You don’t even know whether your current boyfriend, isn’t the right man for you. Do not jump the gun. Exchange ideas not sex-styles.

It is very simple to have a relationship that doesn’t include sexual encounters when both people involved understand the importance of building a deep friendship, merging life goals and preparing for their future. When there is a lack of vision and spiritual focus, pre-marital sex becomes the temptation of blissful escape. When the two people engage in sex without a vision or clarity for their future and without a strong friendship , it causes emotional and spiritual hell. It is very possible to have a very beautiful relationship without sex but the two must be mature, focused and share the same vision to create a life that makes them feel good and they agree to live together rather than feed the impulse of body chemistry and regret it later.
 Yes, a relationship can last without sex… but with the addition of romance… I was in a relationship for three years without sex but we did romance… We were living fine because we had an agreement before we started the relationship… She was lucky, but you might not… but abstinence is the best… #NoRomance… She just broke up with me because it has weaken her spiritual life which is key to fulfilling one’s purpose in life.yes, it can.

With sex, yes it can.

Without sex, yes it can.

What really determines whether a relationship will last or not is not sex itself. It is the commitment of the two persons involved.

Clarity breeds commitment. You have to be clear you know who you are, and who you are with, then – and only then – will you be able to commit to that person.
Am I saying, “Go have sex?”
 In all things, “No.”

I won’t support sex without marriage, because as known, marriage binds us as flesh, sex binds us as spirits. But it’s appropriate you get it straight: sex will not make another person committed to you. It will only blur your choice.
 And if you think I’m joking, ask me what I’ve seen happen and I’ll tell you ðŸ™‚
 I am Dayo Samuel,
Founder, Nigeria Podcast Network
Host, #Audacity2Lead podcast
 Well, lovely comments and I must confess they seemed to have answered my question.
My view: A relationship without sex is possible. A relationship without sex can be boring only when the parties involved have no vision for their life. I have been there. There was a time in my life where I had no vision and all I thought of was romance and that was the strength of relationships in my own understanding until I had a mind shift.

We only assume it can’t work because our minds are programmed that way. We see it as a trend hence, no way out.
If you are struggling with keeping your body under subjection of sex as a single, read this
What can you do to avoid sex?

  1. Be determined: Determination starts in your mind not in your mouth. When you are determined, it means you would be ready to build strategies that can make it work. Strategies are long term plans to achieve a goal.

  1. Make an agreement: Don’t enter a relationship with the thought of coercing your partner into your wish and don’t use an agreement as a condition for the relationship. I believe that during the friendship periods, some deliberate and wise questions can be asked. You can also observe your intending partner value system. (continue reading from next page below)

For instance: “Mark, so many ladies would go to any extent to keep their relationships because only few men are ready for a committed relationship, do you think sex is needed or there is more than sex to keeping a man?”. After this question and some others, listen to his response. For men, you can ask what she thinks about the rate of ladies going to the extreme to make their relationship work. During conversations, we can find out what people think only if we are not judging their response. You must develop a listening and non-judgmental hear to get the whole truth. Desperation would only put you in trouble. So before you say Yes, be sure about his or her value system. Yes, some people can pretend but pretense only comes when you are proving too holy than Thou or judgmental, if you pretend like you are in support of sex to hear his or her view, it would extract the truth.

  1. Develop a strategy: Decide on how you would meet. You can either hang out together or visit a friend’s place but if you have a distanced relationship, agree to meet and decide on one partner sleeping at an hotel or a friend’s place.

Better still, if you can’t afford the strategies, try not to start a relationship yet. You need to be emotionally stable to handle a relationship. So many people are suffering in relationships and smiling. Be determined to live a sexually sane life and it would make more sense and open your eyes to more fault. Sex binds you together even after a break up, that why many can’t recover from past relationships, it’s called soul ties. Go ahead and make it work.

Choose to live healthy and stay purified!


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