Woman Faces Death Sentence For Marrying Two Husbands In Katsina

A woman with full Hijab (Illustration)

A woman in Katsina State, Amina Abubakar Kabir, could probably be sentenced to death if she is found guilty in a case of bigamy after she was dragged to a  Jibiya Upper Sharia Court sitting in the state for marrying two husband at the same time.

According to Katsinanewsblog, Kabir could be stoned to death for the offence which is considered an abomination in Islam and tantamount to adultery.
The middle-aged woman is being accused of marrying her first husband in 1994 and then taking a second husband five months ago when she is not officially divorced from the first, contrary to laws of the state.
According to the police prosecutor, her first husband, Kabir Mohammed, lives in Jibiya, while her second husband, Shamsu Saulawa, lives in Katsina township.
“My Lord, anytime she wants to sleep with one of them, she will tell the other that she will be traveling to either Jibiya or Katsina,”the prosecutor told the court presided over by Alhaji Kabir Hamisu Bello.
Continuing, the prosecutor told the court that nemesis caught up with the woman when she quarreled with one of her friends,Hindatu, over a debt and the friend who was in the know, leaked the secret to her first husband, Mohammed.
"Mohammed who allegedly witnessed the quarrel, thought Hindatu wanted to paint his wife black and thus decided to sue her for defaming Amina.
However, when the case got to the court, Hindatu confirmed that her friend was indeed married to two men and she was a witness to both marriage ceremonies, and that she was prepared to present all her witnesses to justify her claims," the prosecutor concluded.


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