Pimples and spots are well known to create certain level of discomfort and roughness to people who suffer from this minute but sickening skin disease. several measures have been taken by people to get rid of this problem either medically or traditionally, either way the result are usually the same despite
the amount of money and time in ensuring the smoothness of the face and the various parts of the body affected
Pimples form when dead skin cells mix with excess oil(sebum). This mixture plugs the pore, causing swelling. Bacteria can grow in the mix and lead to infection and pus. Below are tips on how to get rid of the pimples and black spots which are clearly cheap and affordable for those worried about the cost of this steps

1. Wash your face before steaming: This prevents the germs already on the face from entering into the face after the face has been steamed.
2. Steaming: Boil water and pour into a bowl, deep your face in the bowl although not too close to d water and let the steam touch your face properly. This will open up the pores on the face.
3. Rinse and dry your face with clean towel.
4. Apply honey on the face and let it last at least 15 minutes. The honey helps to soften d dead cell that has mixed with excess oil.
5. Wash the honey off after fifteen minutes and apply Lime to close the already opened pores. You can now apply any anti bacterial lotion.This will enhance the work of the lotion. You mustn't apply any lotion. Lime is already for skin care and can do the work of keepingyour skin fresh and free from pimples and spots.


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