12 Overwhelming facts about Aloe vera:- must know!

Didn't really surprise me when i finally settled doem to write about my favourite 'small but mighty' plant. I mean its like my religion,  scientific experiments can't explain its wonderful healing powers, soothing moisturizing effects, anti-inflammatory effect, anti-insomia and super hair growing skills: yeah i said it, it can revamp the baldness of a monk to the cute
hairs of Ludacris. Little wonder aloe vera has a rich histoey aging centuries back when it was called the 'plant of immortality'  by the Egyptians 6,ooo years ago. It is said that the famous Cleopathra inducted the plant imto her beauty regime and hey lets not forget the ancient Greek who used it to cure lots of illness and the native Americans who termed it the "wand of the heavens" Ayurveda, Chinese herbal medicine and British herbal medicine have all advocated aloe vera as a healer, when applied or consumed orally.  To top it all up aloe vera is a contains strong antiseptics which are lethal to many microorganisms and is constantly considered for its ability in curing cancer.
But hey those are not the brain bursting uses of aloe vera because I guess you do know how efficient aloe vera is but Let's go over some of its most prominent benefits I  bet u probably didn't know:

  • Enhances digestion: aloe vera can be used in cases of maldigestion or constipation to releve the bowels and it can also be used to relieve bloat as it is slimy and can coat the intestinal wall increasing food excretion [laxative effects]  it's also known to be effective against alot of stomach ailments like peptic ulcers: To do this get a leaf of aloe vera cut it longitudinally, scoop the inner transparent juice into a cup of hot water and drink or simply squeeze the juice from the leave into your mouth and swallow, yummy.[hint: aloe vera is bitter when your new to drinking it, but it will take a while to master: so don't go drinking and being all squeezy faced and trying to regurgitate] 
  • Scaring and stretch marks: Although it takes a while for you to appreciate aloe vera's effectiveness in scar removal and stretch mark eliminatiin, trust me application of those fluid filled leaves of uncountable goodies directly on ur scars and stretches definitely will work their miracles and return your skin to its greater glory as aloe vera contains amino acids vitamin B, C, and E which are antioxidants, boost immunity and repair body tissues.  
  • Dandruff treatment: yes it's old news that aloe vera has hair growth talents but its skill in removing Dandruff can not be over estimated. Aloe vera contains something called proteolytic enzymes which repairs dead skin cells on the scalp. It also acts as a great conditioner and leaves your hair all smooth and shiny. It promotes hair growth, prevents itching on the scalp, reduces dandruff and conditions your hair to get the beat results mix aloe vera with coconut milk and wheat gem oil or oatmeal to form a paste massage into your scalp and rinse.[p.s for silky and smoother hair rub aloe vera jusice into your hair]
  • Heart treatment: mmmmhhhhmmmm you read well drinking aloe vera has been known to treat heart burn, reduce cholesterol and bad fat that can clog your arteries thereby reducing the incidence of high blood pressure. 
  • Skin care: we may know already that due to the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects effects aloe vera and the skin will be like sharing the worlds closest symbiotic relationship [sadly the skin parasitizing on our dear aloe vera] well such is life. Aloe vera has been used in treating skin afflictions like eczema, acne, allergies, sunburns, frost bite etc. But what you probably do not know is aloe vera can also be used in enhancing wound healing, treating severe burns and dry skin and hey!  Aloe vera is good for all skin types and can help get rid of tan and lighten your skin. 
  • Anti aging; aloe vera contains B-carotene, vitamin C and E, 96% water and other minerals that when applied topically gently exfoliate your worn epidermal cells allowing fresh cells to enhance your radiating look. To produce quicker results Grab half a cup of fresh aloe vera gel, a cup of sugar and two tablespoons of lemon juice. The sugar will help exfoliate and scrub off dead skin, the aloe vera will deep clean the skin and the lemon will help fade out scars and tan. Stir the three ingredients together and use it to scrub both face and body.
  • Weight losss: hmm... Well... Now you see why i love this plant and why it is called the miracle plant as it has found its was not only into the cosmetic and medical industry but the food industry as well wouldn't be surprised if fabrics find a use for it; aloe vera is rich in anti-oxidants which means it helps cut out free radicals in the body and boost your immunity. It's also a good source of protein so it helps muscle development and gives you copious amounts of energy. There are countless studies that prove how effective aloe vera is for weight-loss, but it should be consumed regularly and over a long period of time for it to really work. To drink aloe vera you can blend only the gell[inside] or together with its green leaves strain it and drink. For best results drink on empty stomach in the morning and if your addicted to the sweeter tastes of life then mix with juice and hiney, for better results drink with lemon and take two tablespoons before every meal.  
  • Tooth care: aloe vera can be used to strengthen your gums, promote healthy and strong teeth: add gell to your toothpaste and brush brush brush up. 
  • Vaginal care: okay do not crucify me and ask 'how do you know'  but hey! I did my research and antiseptic effect showed a good coverage on prophylactic and even therapeutic uses especially in cases of Vaginal aliment caused by the fungus Candida albicans and allergies
  • Diabetes and arthritis: aloe vera when taken orally reduces blood sugar level and also soothes excruciating pains of arthritis 
  • Eye care: where my ladies at? Yeah aside from using aloe vera to remove eye make up using aloe vera gel as your mascara for your eyelashes or holding your eyebrow in place all through the day can: moisturize your eye, remove dark eye circles and of course grow your eyelashes and eyebrow[for the sake of shaving it off and redrawing it with the pencils *winks] 
  • Fertility and breast growth: Aloe vera leaves contain phytoestrogens which mimic estrogen and can be important for breast growth. There are a number of studies including one published in “Bio-organic Medicinal Chemistry Letters” in 2001 and another in “Archives of Pharmacal Research” in 2008 which found that aloe extract activates the estrogen receptors as well as stimulates breast cell growth in test tube experiments by mimicking the effects of estrogen.Another study published in the Journal of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in 2013 found that aloe vera increased estrogen levels in rats and as a result concluded that aloe vera could have positive effects on the process of fertility.According to WebMD, when applied topically, aloe can improve blood circulation throughout the area that it is applied and is the reason why aloe speeds up the healing of a wound. This can be beneficial to breast growth as increased blood circulation means increased nutrients and oxygen to the breast area.t#strictlyquoting]

Tip: Well personally i believed the non_spotted aloe vera which has a more foul smell amd bitter taste is better acting and more efficient than the wire spotted aloe vera. 

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