7 QUOTES from Myles Munroe that would definitely set you on a better path

Dr Myles Munroe believes that  the complexity of life on planet Earth can be made into simplifoed principles. Wisdom is basically the application of timeless principles to solve problems, turn situations around and claim victory. 
  • "what is the key to life?  Is love the key? Is life just an accident? Is your existence just a kind of living dead: finding the true purpose and living it: is the key to life and the greatest tragedy in life is not death but life without purpose"
  • "what crisis are you facing today? Are you facing the crisis alone or with God? You cannot control the crisis that has come upon you suddenly, but can take control of some of the detail. Get a grip on yourself, regain your emotional footing and put your feet on the Rock-solid foundation of God. 
  • "the seeming defeat inherent in every crisis holds the keys to an unanticipated victory, crisis become your best opportunity, do not throw away your confidence: God who started a good work in you will finish it. 
  • "God does not make mistakes, God's answer can be in form of a harvest producing seed: find God's seed for you. Plant it, nuture it to maturity and watch your seed multiply greatly". 
  • "life is daily and constantly demanding of our time, energy, talent, attention and focus. You must know your priorities as the absence of priority is Dangerous and Detrimental. Prioritizing sharpens your vision so you focus on the most important things" 
  • "it's very simple: you obey, God opens; you dosobey, he closes. Sin interrupts your communication with God and shuts down the flow of his resources to you. If your mind is pure, you will see God in everything and in everyone". 
  • "The big picture means to see the end from the beginning, purpose is the definition of the big picture. Your life has the potential to fulfill your purpose: your valuable deposit of potential was given to enrich the life of others. If you imprison that potential, you rob your life of its purpose and fulfillment. You owe it to the next generation to live courageously so the treasure of your purpose is unleashed [fulfill your purpose]".

                   Hope  you enjoyed reading the quotes,  do leave your comments down below and do not for get to subscribe in order to receive free articles that will surely brighten your day and widen your horizon of knowledge.


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