19 Facts you just can not understand: Because your not from a divorced family

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  Being the third child of three kids you would expect me to be shielded from a divorce considering the fact that i was just five years of age when my parents finally decided "enough already": if only life was a bed of roses right? I guess i got my own dose of the harsh realities of life pretty early and although my childhood fantasies where so quickly deliquescing as my memories
changed from seeing my family as one big going to the beach and eateries happy family to moving from family friends/relatives houses to hotels, from one state to another, seeing less and less of one parent and hearing a lot of words about the other that my age-mates could not understand but i knew their meaning.

            I still remember recounting an event for my Mom recently and she was like "No, that did not happen" simply because she thought i was too little and could not remember much. yet i did. going through those rough patches i still never wished my parents had stayed together(....or did i?)
            As a Nigerian kid with the society not yet coming into grasp of the ever increasing rates of divorced families really it was not easy but with my dad having full custody of us(the kids) and him refusing to remarry i guess my childhood was not Disney land but it sure as hell was not Fuji house of commotion(...or maybe a little of that).
         So if you are a product of the high rate of divorced families then you can relate to these:

  • relatives/friends all up in your business like "hey if you pray real hard you can bring your family back together"
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  • whenever mom and dad are together it's a ticking time bomb which must surely explode
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  • "your just behaving like your mother"(newsflash because you guys divorced doesn't mean the other half of my gene left)
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  • "I can do without y'all" (.....mmmmhhhhmmm your doing just fine without your better half now you want to do away with your kids)
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  • You try to create this safe heaven in your head where your mom and dad are together and it is just one big happy family.... till you remember their attitudes and you're like mmmmmmhhhhhhhmmmm
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  • you do not complain about the food because he is not your mommy
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  • "but Daddy lets me..." yeah it never won the argument just created more.....
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  • "I'm not trying to put your mom/dad down or say anything bad but..." hey! you just did. 
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  • mom's house is better (....sure about that) maybe dad's house is better... okay... school is best
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  • you become the mother and the father at the different homestead
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  • 'yes we can' in less than no time we loose our emotion and grow a thick skin, because you learn to tune out certain emotions.
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  • more experienced...No... wiser than your peers.
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  • The ever looming impending disaster of another marriage(...p.s: mine was both another marriage and a younger one... from a different woman...phew!)
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  • lets face it: we have a tough time staying in a relationship... but hey! we are the best adapters....
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  • nothing that happens to us is the worst, after-all we've dealt with so much emotions we can't express because it sounds stupid to say out loud
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  •  The blame game: "if only i was not from a divorced family maybe i'd have known how to be more tidy... mama didn't teach me"... mehn get your sh*t together (yeah i do that alot)

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  • we naturally crazy... yeah! the society does not expect much from us... so who cares... right? we already got the licence to be bad handed to us(...but hey we know what we doing and we eventually become even better than others)
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  • we are the best of the best.Image result for crazy divorced kids
  • And hey mom and dad it's not like we do not love you, but we do not love y'all equally: because we did not live with both of you equally and your efforts were never equal... so please stop asking us to choose.
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        Hope you enjoyed reading this article. Feel free to Like, Share and Comment{especially your own facts about being a divorced kid} and hey! do not forget to subscribe to this blog in order to receive more information that would generally widen your Horizon and read other articles on this blog.


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